Advances to our Becky DeWine Educational System


Lots of work being done to improve our schools. Here are some fundamental improvements that I've set in motion:

kitchen staff at our H.S. cafeteria

kitchen staff at our H.S. cafeteria

  1. guardians at each of the 8 schools will report 2x's a month to the Delmas HQ for training,etc.  This will give greater control, professionalism, etc
  2. The three kitchen managers will report once a week to Delmas HQ under the direction of the Director For Food - Evans.
  3. Evens will become the Director of Feeding in September after working three months in training.
  4.  Pierrot will take over as the Director of all 8 schools and will have his office at Delmas
  5. There will be a class in education at Lekol Vollel ( our middle school) beginning in September
  6. St.Jane Preschool has been chosen as the model school for advanced preschool education.....the very young children will be taught English....there will also be computer training
  7. An effort will be made to invite on Hands Together web site volunteers who would be willing to come and teach in English the subjects of math, science, etc.
  8. Students will be challenged to learn English and a special class will be formed where the students receive all education in English