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Our Work
Here is a comprehensive look at what we do in Haiti. A big thank you to Karl Holtsnider, Ken Buckowski & the Mission Haiti team at Holy Family for putting this video together. Special thanks to award winning journalist Colleen Williams for narrating!
-Note: (Video will not play if you have YouTube in Restricted Mode)
What We Do
Hands Together has been working alongside the very poor for over 25 years, providing hope and strength to the most destitute and violent areas of Haiti.
Our work is founded upon the Catholic teaching that recognizes the dignity of every human life and a fundamental responsibility to the poor and vulnerable.
All of our outreach programs are Haitian-run, with generous financial and material support coming from very special people, parishes and groups.
Hands Together feeds 25,000 people each month through our schools and elderly programs.
Archbishop Eugene M. Nugent, Apostolic Nuncio in Haiti writes:
"This is to state that I, Archbishop Eugene M. Nugent, Apostolic Nuncio in Haiti, do hereby recommend the work being carried out by Rev. Fr. Tom Hagan O.S.F.S, Mr. Doug Campbell, Executive Director and co-Founder as well as their associates who form Hands Together, a Catholic Missions charity in Haiti which is active in the poorest and most deprived areas of Port au Prince, Cap Haitien and Gonaives Dioceses.
I have been able to appreciate at first hand the wonderful work being done by Fr. Hagan and his team in very difficult circumstances and often in situations where their own lives are in danger. I can also vouch for the transparent way in which funds have been used so as to benefit the maximum number of people and in a way that addresses their real needs."
To read the Archbishop's letter in its entirety, please click here
October 2018 issue of Fairfield County Catholic - Serving the Poor: Everybody has at least one mission. Check out this article (p. 21) featuring Vince Santilli, a great friend to HT, mission appeal speaker & CEO of Homes for the Brave.
NorCal parish prays for priest’s safety, Haiti after hurricane - KCRA3 News story Oct. 2016
Our Father - June 2016 Pennsylvania Gazette Article by Joseph DiStefano
Moving Outside of Ourselves by Serving the Poor - Feb 2014 Article by Toni Rossi
Haitian School Named for Becky DeWine Graduates First Class - August 2013 Columbus Dispatch article by Joe Hallett
Springfield, MA Deacons Visit Haiti - June 2013
Article by Iris Alderson in the Springfield Republican
Columbus Dispatch Article - August 2011
Joe Hallett writes about post-earthquake challenges facing HT
Catholic Exchange - July 30, 2010
Article on Mary's Meals with Recent info on Hands Together
Father Tom Receives Honorary Degree at Lafayette Commencement
Columbus Dispatch Article on HT and Earthquake (J. Hallett) - January 17, 2010
NCR Article - Fr. Tom Reflection on Earthquake - January 20, 2010
Catholic Standard and Times
Article on Fr. Tom Hagan
Hope you enjoy this video, beautifully produced by Eric Porter and set to music by HT's own Jimmy Belabre, of the visit of Assumption College women's soccer team to HT for our special Christmas celebration and the inauguration of the new soccer field.
Here is a short video thanking the Jones Day Foundation for funding the amazing artificial turf soccer field that we just opened - with scenes from the December 2015 inauguration:
Here is a video summary of our 2015 work:
Hands Together has attained an exceptional 4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency.