Please visit our Project List for more information on our current activities in Haiti
Every activity and project undertaken by Hands Together flows from a Christian spirituality emphasizing mercy and love. Haiti presents enormous challenges in targeting the most needy and creating effective mechanisms that help us channel resources and assistance. Haiti's overcrowded and brutal slums and the harsh, desolate villages in Haiti's rural countryside are home to millions of people who live in misery and squalor -- these are the people God is calling us to help. Hands Together also supports other projects that align with our mission, both in Haiti and elsewhere.
Assistance and Development Philosophy & Guiding Concepts
Essentially, we are motivated by God's call to Love -- we recognize our responsibility to work toward liberating the poor from misery and squalor, and restoring dignity wherever people are debased. Since we began in Haiti in 1986 we've made countless mistakes and experienced many failures. We try very hard to "think small" and keep projects simple. Our assistance philosophy and guiding concepts help us target the poorest of the poor and inject "seeds for change" whenever possible.
Guiding Concepts
- Choose projects in locations of greatest misery and poverty.
- Make education and healthcare affordable, and if wherever necessary provide free schooling, healthcare and nutrition.
- Provide spiritual/moral formation with all projects.
- Seek to empower and foster community collaboration and use of all available resources.
Neither complicated nor rigid, our mission-driven approach to helping the poor in Haiti involves: an honest assessment of need, prioritization of projects, prayer and reflection, decision, and evaluation. We allow the "Hand of God" to operate in our lives.
Project Activities
- K-8 Schools
- Adult Education/Literacy
- Teacher Training
- Summer Camps
- Street Kids Housing and Formation
- Water Resources
- Irrigation/Agriculture
- Livestock Breeding
- Credit & Cooperatives
- Clinics & Dispensaries
- Aid to Hospitals
- Elderly Feeding
- Malnutrition Treatment
- School Canteens
- Housing
- Funerals
- Family Crisis
- Medical Emergencies
- Disaster Relief
Collaborative Partners
We do not work alone and when possible we foster collaborative partnerships with groups whose mission closely mirrors our own. Some of these groups and organizations include: Mary's Meals, Diocesan Caritas, Diocese of Gonaives/P-au-P/Hinche, Missionary Sisters and Brothers of Charity, Daughter's of Mercy, local peasant organizations, CARE, and others.
From this process has come our integrated approach to assistance in areas of Education, Nutrition, Sustainable Development, Emergency Needs, and Health.